ViSiON-X 0.93 by Ryec For questions and problems and such, the ViSiON-X Team can be reached at: Concealed Weapon BBS - 613.728.4861 (leave feedback to Ryec) Nevada Testing Grounds - 313.348.2829 (leave feedback to Aftermath) The Crewel Lye - 713.667.7522 (leave feedback to Sought After) FelonyNet - through any FelonyNet board Changes as of 91c include the following: . Config AVATAR/Linefeeds fixed . Database menu restored . The Void BBS removed from BBS list . Sysop Log will not be deleted automatically, but will prompt user if he wishes to delete it. . Bottom Status line OFF by default . Lowest 5 posters replaced by top 5 pcrs . Login header placed in proper spot . Quotin now word wraps so NO SINGLE CHARACTER IS LOST! . leftover bug with batch file transfer fixed (thanx 4 nothing Warlord) . Batch transfers now definable externally . Private file to user fixed . Can't type private files if it's not for you . Sysops can add files to batch (even if local and file is offline) . Existing files marked offline show up properly (no more 1k) . No keyboard timeouts/crashes after transfers (er.. not exactly) . WFC menu mail waiting/new calls fixed . sysop messages not added to wfc . password entered clears on error . other little things Changes as of 91f include: . status line on/off as option . mainstatus screen colors fixed . net Name added as an option . dos shell through batch file implemented . external user editor added online (for local sysop use) . main/file stat screens can be aborted (about time eh?) . no DISK # prompt during single file uploads . sysop log pauses from caller to caller Changes as of 91g include: . Texttrap option now works (for logging everything user does) . ansi bug on main status screen fixed . Top Ten Listings menu retouched . turbo login for local sysop (Shift-F10) . file and message conferences seperate . 16800 modem support (?) . lock at 57600 added (?) Changes as of 91h include: . file structures modified, offline files handled properly . dorinfo generation fixed . QWK and REP offline message support . sysops note, you can add bulletins to your QWK packets by creating a text (or ansi) file called BULLETIN in your bbs directory, and a logoff comment by creating a file called GOODBYE. . MCI codes for external files restored . you can now TRULY abort the display of the STATUS screens . WFC actions added to logfile . file list compiler spified up, changed name to something more ViSiON-Xish.. . fixed RUNTIME error 2 bug that popped up in 91g . conference hopping fixed . # of file conferences and # of messages conferences seperate Changes as of 91i include: . fixed jump conference bug . added VGA intro when running V-X . removed "Use AVATAR" question until bloody thing works . fixed chatting problem from matrix.. it now beeps when user pages sysop . fixed problem with QWK sending message to receiver under senders name.. (innocent mistake.. coulda happened to anyone) . when you select F6 from netmail menu to force poll.. you can change yur mind now . no duplicates files while adding multiple entries . the delete file during multiple add works now Changes as of 91j include: . trans.log contains more usefull info like who uploaded/downloaded . MESSAGE UPLOAD BUG FIXED!!! oooohhhh ahhhhh ooooooooh (bout time eh?) . when moving file.. filename appears as reminder . removed 2 minute delay from net . fixed modem output lock so that shit doesn't show up on users screen and is updated in status line. Someone fucked up this function BIGTIME! . when user logs in his time is adjusted if private hours is approaching (as well as event time and net time) . ansi fuckups after transfers (for those who have the 16550 chip) have been fixed. If you experience problems.. go into the config editor and turn USE 16550 FIX on. Be sure to have XU.EXE in your bbs directory. If you're not using X00, then you're shit out of luck. Either switch over, or live with fuckups after transfers. . range deletion works properly now . VGA intro is a little faster now.. got someone working on improving it Changes as of 91k include: . bulletin titles shows who msg is addressed to now . resetting the autodelete doesn't take 1094871243 hours anymore, it deletes the messages quite fast actually . viewing inside archives now supports ZIP/ARJ/LZH and does not require that they all be in your bbs directory. Anyplace in your PATH is good enough. . connections of 9600/ARQ are translated to 14400/ARQ and download time is based on 19200 connections. This should solve the time estimation problems. Connections of 14400/ARQ/HST are treated as such. . private netmail can be read by receiver AND SENDER now. . credits screen updated . batch uploads can be given the filenames/descriptions/password and who to sendto before upload begins. . bulletin titles made neater . single file upload filename looks right (white on blue..etc) . greatly reduced the memory requirements for ViSiON-X, it shoudl work fine now on everyone's computer (hopefully) . a user can extract and view a file inside an archive when viewing the archive contents . ViSiON-x can accept a parameter that will cause it to force the baud rate. I.e. if you're using a frontend mailer or something, and it determines the incoming baudrate..rather then have vision-x shuffle through with the Hit Return: message, it will set V-X to the baudrate. This is done using the following syntax: ViSiON-X.EXE /%1 where %1 is the baud rate. This makes it super easy to use. And sends the user straight to the matrix. Don't forget the / character it's the only way it knows that it's supposed to lock the baud rate. . Alt-T (temporary sysop) allows user to add multiple files. Nonsysops can no longer add multiple files while online (a bug that i'm suprised nobody noticed but Lord Nukems . new users added to list of last callers Changes as of 91L include: . message upload WORKS! at fucking last. You can send up as many as you want. You won't believe what the problem was. So simple.. and nobody has come across it in god knows how long.. . All dos shells for PKZIP,PKUNZIP,DSZ,etc.. have been optimized to swap to EMS whenever possible, and provide logged error messages so that we know what's going wrong. . IOERROR.LST updated . you no longer need to have pkzip,dsz,etc.. in your bbs directory. They can be anywhere in your path. . New mainstatus screen built in to replace Tracer's. Keep em coming. (that one was LAME) Changes as of 91M include: . fixed FIFO bug when uploading message through reply's or uploading prepared messages . Error info more exact.. no more stupid Ioerror Unidentified Error nonsense. Be sure you have the new IOERROR.LST . Connect rate/baud rate distinction fixed. Whenever you want to use your locked default rate use %2, and the user's connect rate should be %3. . Com ports can be locked at 57600, tho they may conflict with modem routines depending on your brand. Only 16.8K modems should lock it that high. It DOES NOT work with 14.4k HSTs. And it does not truly lock the internal com routines at 57600 but rather at 38400. It is used simply to tell DSZ for transfers and netmail to use speed 57600. If this fucks up your transfers and stuff.. then you'll have no choice but to lock everything down at 38400. Tough nuggets. When your user is online and using the board.. messages/ansi's are sent up at a speed no greater then 38400. If i can find some new fossil routines, i'll fix it but till then, you can be content with 57600 locked baud rate transfers. . Fixed bug with batch uploads only accepting one predefined upload. Woops.. simple mistake. . I know the mainstatus screen is fucked and ugly. Just get your own and call it mainstat.ans or status.ans (i believe both will work). This is temporary until we get good replacements for tracers screens. Changes as of 91N include: . fixed more problems with message uploads, including when sysop locally uploads a message. . removed bug that allows unreg'd users to have more than 5 users. If you don't know what this little loophole is then it doesn't matter. . Private messages addressed to users other then receiver do not show up in QWK packet. . Line editor quoting now works. . Quoting (and double quoting) strips all colors inside quoting message to keep it one constant color. Looks neater. . You can TYPE files during file newscan. . DOS Shell's modified to work under OS/2 . Dave's Silly Door removed.. :) . New terminator II style menus. . Netmail message tossing sped up. . During netmail calls, DSZ won't pop up until the HUB is ready to send the mail package. (i.e. no more DSZ timeouts on long packets) . Added several new options to the nodelist editor.. you can list all the nodes, and edit the last poll date of each node. . New messages scan prompt for "messages addressed to you only?" . Promp.DAT automatically created if non-existing . Promptfx.exe added to customize global prompt . During netmail, a file called NETMAIL.LOG is updated. It contains some information on the activity of the net. It tells you who you received netmail from, how many messages, and how many went into each area. This should help us in dealing with net problems such as unreceived mail, duplicate messages, and the good old 0 messages received message. . Private Netmail is more secure and better structured. It allows you to use any title you want. No more of that title: PvtNetmail nonsense. . Fixed problem with email sending "this is a private netmail msg only". Slight oversight. Private netmail should work perfectly now. . Added Cyclonus' Filestat ansi as screen #3. Great job man. Keep em coming. . Multi-nested quoting is handled properly. No more misplaced ¯ symbols during quoting. . When quoting, screen does not display text then redraw screen, it simply redraws screen. Quicker/easier/better. . Added max number of last callers to config . Users can edit their uploads later (E from File Menu command) . Fixed Message Titles display.. no more roll over . Added Download Message feature to message scan (Z from scan menu) . File searches modified to allow for downloading, tagging, aborting. . Multiple file uploads modified to exclude directories. A bug with this while running under OS/2 was also fixed. I've had similar reports of this bug (files not being added) on networks. Hopefully this will have fixed that part too. . If user handle is changed during online user editor, it will now save the change. . Sysop can no longer force the center line to scroll up during chat. . Alt-V User online stats updated . Split Screen chat modified to show time elapsed (a VX first) and the current time.. both of which are updated everytime one of the screens refresh. . Added a Default Chat Mode. It works as follows: Set Up your default chat selection in the CONFIG.EXE. To use default chat, press F1. To select a chat method, press F3. In either case, F1 exits chat mode and F2 initiates special sysop menu. . New WFC screen.. extra information shown. Did it myself, watcha guys think? (dis the surprise LN) . Message top 5 says Highest Posts/PCR instead of Highest/Lowest posts . Netmail bug with DSZ popping up after every busy call . Netmail will automatically reset message pointers AFTER tossing message. Changes as of 91O include: . Postal Service changed from boring box to V-X grey/white header . fixed spelling mistake in chat mode (LN makes me do these.. :( . fixed save screen with new WFC . WFC no longer add local logon to Total Calls . unneeded files used in QWK/REP packets deleted after use . redid/optimized netmail routines . started work on multinode, at this point users CAN use it, but they will still get errors if two users post in the same message base. (this and more to be fixed in later versions). . added two commands in MATRIX.. UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD. They allow users to upload and download vision-x application forms without you having to give them access to your board. This is exclusively for The NTG and Concealed Weapon, but can be used by others to allow users to download somefile or something without logging on. The only file they can download is [BBS PATH]\APPS\ViS-X.APP. Uploads go into [BBS PATH]\APPS. Changes as of 91P include: . turned speaker off during logon's . fixed netmail autodelete (i think.. wuz a prob on HUB side) . added turbo multiple file add option to file section . fixed blue-line overrun . added HUB's last net call to WFC. . fixed Avatar bug in Full Screen Editor . added full cursor control in full screen editor. To use your Cursor Keys, Page Up, Page Down, Home, End, Insert, and Delete keys remotely, be sure to turn on doorway mode. They can also be used locally with no problem. Oh ya.. also added Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right which move to word left and word right respectively. . Added option in config to allow all messages to appear in the same quote color and same textcolor. . During newscan, password protected areas prompt for the password. . Improved look and feel of file moves.. especially batch moves. . Logon allows user to fuck up his handle 3 times before canning the chump. . When moving files you are prompted for which conference to move them into, followed by the area. . New chat tune mode. Choose from default page, specific chat tune or a randomly generated chat call. There are currently 113 tunes available. Changes as of 91Q include: . FAT Move added.. so when you move files from one directory to another directory on the same drive, it takes less then a blink of an eye, to move any sized file. . When posting messages it won't always prompt you for a title. I have found out why, and have fixed it when the user/sysop sends E-Mail. If it occurs anywhere else, then let me know. . Unique Message ID codes have been added to each message to avoid duplicate messages from being sent through the net. This feature means that the post level of each message is no longer used. Thus to net properly, all boards must use this version or above, or else the message ID's will all be 25 or 50 (or whatever level the user is at) and their messages won't be accepted. . Fixed a little problem with the HUB's ansis being displayed during net time. If you have downloaded ver 0.91b or are running version 0.91, simply overwrite all files by the ones in this archive. You will notice that there are 4 extra .DAT files. These are the single/batch upload/download protocols and can be modified with PROTEDIt. You may delete the old protocol definition files (u_prot.dat d_prot dat), or rename these files to usprot.dat and dsprot.dat respectively, if you wish to keep your old single ul/dl protocols. If you are starting out new, just run the CONFIG program and set all the proper information fields. Address all questions and comments through FelonyNet. Note: Make sure you have the line SET DSZLOG=[DRIVE:]\PATH in the batch file that loads up your bbs. Where DRIVE:\PATH is the same one as found in your CONFIG program, line 135. This will (hopefully) ensure that all batch uploads are handled alright. Here is a sample batch file of RUN.BAT needed to run the board: @echo off c: cd \bbs vision-x %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 if errorlevel 255 goto Reboot if errorlevel 120 goto START if errorlevel 119 goto ALT9 .. .. if errorlevel 111 goto Alt2 if errorlevel 110 goto ALT1 if errorlevel 90 goto FATAL if errorlevel 9 goto CtrlBREAK if errorlevel 4 goto EXIT if errorlevel 3 goto Door if errorlevel 2 goto EXIT goto START :START run :Exit echo Later dude. Notice several things.. errorlevels between 120 and 254 should never occur, but that will trap them in case they do for some oddball reason. Error levels 119-110 occur when you press Alt-9 to Alt-1 on your keyboard. They can be used for little macros, to run your terminal program, external user editor, etc.. Fatal errors should generally force a computer reset to ensure proper functioning. Ctrl-Break can be handled as you please. EXIT is when your BBS terminates (or SYSOP next), and DOOR should call door.bat. In most systems, the best setup is to use two batch files. RUN.BAT and BBS.BAT. The latter of which is a small batch file that would initialize your fossil driver and set the DSZLOG environment. Then it would call RUN.BAT. Here's an example of BBS.BAT: @echo off c: cd \vision-x x00 e xu set:1:38400:8N1 lock:1:38400 Ringboot /C2 /R5 /* reboots if board crashes */ Set DSZLOG=c:\vision-x\dsz.log /* same as in V-X Config */ echo Ä Loading BBS, please wait.. run.bat